By Avery Beaton, Editor
Hello readers! My name is Avery Beaton, the newly appointed editor for The Carolinian. I would like to take this opportunity and introduce myself.
I am a junior Communications major and a transfer student from Spartanburg Community College. I have been a part of the student newspaper since Spring of 2024 and am incredibly excited to be the new editor. I have been interested in journalism for many years now, which stemmed from an interest in politics.
The Carolinian is not only for students but is run almost entirely by students here at USC
Upstate. Our professional advisors Samantha Swann, an Upstate alum, and Bridget Kirkland,
an Upstate graphic design professor, help to oversee the paper, but all other staff members are students. Many of our staff are returning from last semester, but we are always looking for new members.
Our main goal with the paper is to promote student voices with events and issues both on and
off campus. We are open to suggestions and recommendations for topics that students feel
should be covered. I hope everyone has a strong start to the semester and if you have any
questions, you can submit letters to the editor here.