By Matthew Beyer
As the semester begins to wind down, students find themselves caught between the pages of textbooks, eagerly anticipating a well-deserved break from academic rigor. With anticipation for spending quality time with loved ones begins to begin, there is only one thing in the way: final exams.
Final exams allow students to demonstrate what they have learned throughout a course and show their mastery of a subject. While individuals have varying study methods, it is crucial to recognize that what works for some may not be effective for others.
Maggie Margeson, a first-generation freshman, and exercise and sports science major has a set study method she uses before finals.
“Personally, I set an hour to study, then take a 15-minute break, then study for another hour, and so on," Margeson said. "It also really helps for me to study in the mornings when I am most productive but that second point doesn’t apply to everyone. I do that because it gives my brain time to rest, and I feel like I’m not overwhelming myself with too much information at a time.”
Finals are important, but it is just as important to value mental health and know when to put up the books. USC Upstate has many different holiday-themed events that allow students to let their brains rest for short amounts of time. RA events including a Polar Express and Hot Chocolate movie night and a Hot Chocolate study break give those on campus looking for a fun break something to look forward to.
Aaron Newsome a Sophomore music major chose to take part in the Hot Chocolate and Polar Express movie night that reached close to home for him.
“I took a study break by going to the Polar Express Hot Chocolate event with friends. Watching Polar Express and drinking homemade hot chocolate is one of my favorite Christmas Eve traditions with my family. I believe that taking a study break with finals so close is essential to not burning yourself out,” Newsome said.