Columbia-based artist
A public reception for the artist, free and open to students, staff and faculty, is Feb. 28 at 4:30 p.m., at the gallery.
“My art is a reflection of my relationship with natural forms,” said Ballard. “It is often the metamorphosis of nature’s forms, as they change from season to season, that attracts me. I am endlessly drawn to that universal world in which differing life forms share similar qualities.”
The series “White Work” is a group of sculptural clay forms that began in the 1980s when Hewitt discovered a bag of forgotten tulip bulbs under her studio sink. To her surprise, they had begun to grow in the darkness and her fascination with these beautiful and sensuous white flowers were the beginning of a love affair with white forms.”
The “White Work” is made with white earthenware and is often painted or air-brushed with white, terra sigillata (Greek for earth seal – a fine clay slip that is burnished and not a glaze).